Enjoying Our Senior Moments!

Current Activites

Contact Judy at 254-770-7958 if you have a question about any activity!

About Belton Senior Activity Center

In 1976 a group of area seniors began meeting on a weekly basis at local churches to share in activities. Over the years, this fellowship effort grew into what is today the Belton Senior Activity Center. Many years with many changes and improvements has created the warm and welcoming atmosphere found at this Center.

In the mid 1980’s funds were accumulated to build the current facility. For the next 20-25 years the seniors kept the Center going thru fundraisers and generous donations. But with age came difficulties in continuing the upkeep on the building.

After years of pleading for help from the community, Center Director Elaine Murray and the Center members finally received the help that they needed to keep the Center alive. It was at this point that a group of individuals with a caring heart began the process of creating the Belton Area Citizens for Seniors, Inc. and obtaining title to the property. In 2009 this process was completed and the BACFS began making many much needed improvements.

Superior Health Plan helps sponsor celebrations at the Center by providing birthday cakes for 1st Wednesday Bingo and 3rd Thursday Dances. Funds also help subsidize our 3rd Thursday Dances. We so appreciate their assistance!

Belton Area Citizens for Seniors

bacfs inc. serving belton area seniors

The Belton Senior Activity Center is one of the initiatives of the BACFS, Inc. The Belton Area Citizens for Seniors, Inc. (BACFS), a Texas Non-Profit (501 (C) 3), is an association of committed and caring individuals of the Greater Belton Area who gratefully recognize the past and future contributions of those served by the Belton Senior Activity Center.

It is their mission to assist the Center in providing healthy, stimulating, and enjoyable activities for local seniors through financial and intellectual support. BACFS also seeks to build senior participation and increase community awareness by promoting the Center activities within the Belton community.